Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blog Post: 4 tools you could use for creating infographic resume

Nowadays people like to make infographic things because it has big pictures with less but meaningful contents it it that gets more viewer's attention. The first one will be "" app. Its an app that can make user's Linkedln profile information into a beautiful, web-based infographic. You need to create an account first and connect it with via linkedln, then the user can then create their profile summery, work, experience, education, links, skills, interests, language, stats, recommendations and awards. Then the awesome infographic is created. Another one is called the "" app. This app is able to let you edit his/her linkedln data to produce stylish web-based infographic. If you're the person that want to make a infographic on the name tittle, biography, social links and career timeline, then this is the best one for you because, it can let you add more graphics, including stats, skill evolution, proficiencies, quotes and interests over time. Next will be "Kinzaa", this can let you create a data-driven infographic resume that is more focus on your skills and job responsibilities throughout their working history. This tool is the best choice for the person that want to outline exactly how you divide your time in previous positions. The last one will be the app in Facebook that called "Brazen". This app can create a career portfolio which features badges awarded based on your twitter or facebook and the linkedln achievements. 

I think these tools for people to create infographic is easy and cool. Nowadays, people are mostly lazy to read so much texts in a poster, so instead of that, they have the infographic  that can show the things that you're talking about in big pictures so that people will be more understandable. 


"Featured in Social Media." Mashable. Web. 23 Apr. 2012. <>.

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