Sunday, January 15, 2012

My favorite Chinese serie "BuBuJingXin"

Bu Bu Jing Xin is a Chinese serie that just came out this year. It is a story also about transferring. A girl name Zhang Xiao, she fought with her boyfriend and then suddenly the car came and banged on her, she then banged on a poster with light and she got electric shocked. When she woke up, she realized herself wearing the clothes that people use to wear 1000 years ago. She asked people there who's she etc. She then realized that she banged on the picture where she's living now! Her name in that world called Ma er tai ruo xi. She was thinking to go back the whole time but things get changed after. She was in love with one of the king that she's living with. She knew what will happen to the next minute because she did studied history about those kings in her modern world life. She knew who is going to die, how are they going to die and what king will be the next leader of the china etc. She got really worried all the time. The doctor also said she's worrying something to much. The kings got really worried too, they asked her what happen, but she couldn't tell, even though if they tell, they wont even believe her. So she just stay there until the last day, she was sick, because of worrying too much. She died and when she woke up she found herself on the bed of the hospital in her real world. She went to a museum where they show all the things 1000 years ago. Guess what? she met the king that she used to love in that world, she the cried. The guy doesn't know her because it was something that happen in the past world. It is basically things about love, sad ending though.

The girl maincharacter (Zhang Xiao)


"My Favorite Chinese Serie "BuBuJingXin"" Chadulinda's House. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <>.

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