Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blog Post: how to make our own timeline cover photo

This is a sample picture of how you make your own stylish timeline cover page image by connecting your profile picture with cover page photo!

Facebook got a new looking version which is pretty cool that called Facebook Timeline. You can put any picture like your favorite picture on the top which is the cover image/photo nice and big, but there's something cool about the cover image; you can make your profile picture and the cover page image to be connected. There are 8 easy steps to follow to get stylish cover photo with your profile picture. 1st step, you need to download a PSD file to be open in Photoshop. 2nd, get any picture you want for the cover page image. 3rd step, you open your cover page image in Photoshop and select the slice tool and see all the slice marks so that you can see the size numbers easily to re-size the picture. 4th step, you copy your image to PSD file. 5th step, you  adjust and re-size your image, crop the part at the bottom left (where your profile picture belongs to) make sure its not less than (851x352) px. 6th step, save it as PNG file (refers image 1) and web and devices file (refers image  2). 7th step, your picture (image2) will be too small for facebook and it wont let you upload it, so just do this step and you're almost there; you just re-size and save it. Lastly, Just log into your Facebook account, and upload the pictures you have done!
This is my facebook timeline cover page image, nice kitty that fits my profile picture! :) 

I think this is pretty good. You can combine your profile picture and your cover page image together that will probably got many people's attention, but its kind of complicated to do that, you have to download the PSD thing and have to waste your time doing it in Photoshop. In my opinion, it is better to just put any your favorite picture or photograph picture there that makes your page look more nicer, and that's enough, this is not necessary. But if there's anytime that i'm bored of my own profile picture and don't know what to put for my cover page, that will be the time that i'll use this cool stuff ! 


11, Sudipto   October. "How to Create Your Own Stylish Facebook Timeline Cover Image." Tech XT -Technology at Its Extreme — Tech Served with Chilli Sauce. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. <>.

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