Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog Post: Tackk, a good and simple way of presenting and displaying your information!

There are many different kinds of ways to communicate information and display information. Power point presentations might be the one that everybody knows, but nowadays in the internet, it is no longer just Microsoft Presentation. Microsoft presentation is like basically an old style of doing presentation and displaying your information; You have to do everything inside there and later you have to click save also, what if you forgot to save it? and you just accidently closed it? All your work would disappeared and we don't want that to happen. So now, there's many other ways to display your information such as Google presentation, Prezi, Glogster and etc. The good thing about them is that they're online, you could just log into your Gmail, and start doing it online without losing the contents because it saved every time you make a new edition. Aside from "online", it is also stylish. Prezi and Glogster can be a way to display your information too but it is more stylish, you have free spaces to create  many things you want. And now, people had found a new online system that you can create presentation online which is called the Tackk. Tackk does not have a traditional-like presentation of displaying your work, it's not as formal as Microsoft and Google presentation, and also it is not that free and stylish as Prezi  and Glogster basically is in between. For me, I would call it a more formal form of Glogster. Tackk provide you things you need in order to write your contents like bullet points, change the font color, add media, proper text-box (the position is fixed so that it wont look not formal), and some themes. Other than that, you actually don't need to sign up for it too. Most of the online system requires log in system but not this one. Another good thing about Tackk is that, bascially if you sign up for this online presentation, you can get something better than not signing up and logging in and again, the good thing about this is that, even though you create an account, it is still free! Lastly, if you want to see other people of how they create their Tackk, you could just click "Tackkboard" and check out theirs, probably it suits whatever you're doing/displaying! ;)

 Major concept:
Basically this online presentation of displaying your information of whatever you want to display like I just mentioned those presentations, posters, etc., you can just use Tackk. It is very good because there's no log-in required, and if you do sign up for it, you can get things that normal users can't get (ITS FREE). Also another thing that all online tools have which is "auto save" is required in Tackk too. Anyways, this online tool is beautiful and simple and easy to use too. 

The advantage of using Tackk is again, you can display your information perfectly, not too mess and not too formal. It is very stylish to use Tackk plus is very simple to use it. Other than that, You also have "no log in required" and FREE to sign up (Optional). Compare to others, it probably would make you do the pavement if there's something special but not Tackk :)

It is very good online tool to create things that you want to display but the bad thing about this is that, it is not really a tool for "presentation" is good for "presenting things in one page" but not like what we normally do at school (have slides and animations). Since it is an online system, of course when the time comes that the internet is down, you would feel annoying because you have to make that either poster or anything done by the end of the day etc. But if you use offline system, you wouldn't have problem like this. 

Isn't this another version of Glogster? They're so the same... 

"Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom." : Communicate Differently With Tackk. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

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