Twitter is a place for you to update your statutes, but it looked hard to use when you don't know how to use it correctly, here are some few steps of telling the twitter beginners of how to use Twitter. First, you create a twitter account with telling them your username, password, and email address. Second, you can use symbols to find or tag your friends in Twitter by using "@" when you want to tweet someone directly, to reply or to mention for example, you could use @ symbol to find your friend's real name, business or brand or the names that you've established on other websites or blogs. Third, add your photo, cartoon, logo or brand for your Twitter's profile picture. The picture must not be bigger than 700kb and must be in JPG, GIF or PNG format. Try to get as many followers as you can when you add a picture. Fourth, follow some tweeps. Type username or names in the search box and once you've found your friend or the thing that you're looking for, click "follow" so that you could see whatever they tweet or post in Twitter. Fifth, tell your friends what you're doing by tweeting your statuses. Sixth, get some followers by following them, set your profile up, balance good personal informative and fun tweets, promote recent posts, blogs and your own work, turn auto tweets and bots off, add value to your followers, retweet good tweets you find, add pictures and photos, for personal chats use messaging, and make your tweets interesting and entertaining. Lastly, the most important one which is to become an advanced tweeter by learning the terms, then give them a go. First the messages; click messages on the top menu bar on your private messages history page, click new message click to send a new message. In the pop-up box, type the name or username of who you're sending to enter the message and click send. Second, know how to retweet the tweets. Third, List; list can let you organize the people that you're interested in including the people that you're not following. Fourth, block; you can block anyone that you don't want them to follow you. Lastly, the protected tweets, you can set your tweets as public or protected.
I think that Twitter is fun to use when you're bored. Because when you're bored, you can tweet to the people that yo uwanna tweet to or update new statues and post new pictures for more followers. But if you're the person that have nothing to tell other people, then it won't be fun for you :)
"How to Use Twitter for Beginners Twitter -for Beginners-Infographic â Amazing Infographics." How to Use Twitter for Beginners Twitter -for Beginners-Infographic â Amazing Infographics.
Web. 26 Mar. 2012.