Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog Post: The way of using Twitter for beginners

Twitter is a place for you to update your statutes, but it looked hard to use when you don't know how to use it correctly, here are some few steps of telling the twitter beginners of how to use Twitter. First, you create a twitter account with telling them your username, password, and email address. Second, you can use symbols to find or tag your friends in Twitter by using "@" when you want to tweet someone directly, to reply or to mention for example, you could use @ symbol to find your friend's real name, business or brand or the names that you've established on other websites or blogs. Third, add your photo, cartoon, logo or brand for your Twitter's profile picture. The picture must not be bigger than 700kb and must be in JPG, GIF or PNG format. Try to get as many followers as you can when you add a picture. Fourth, follow some tweeps. Type username or names in the search box and once you've found your friend or the thing that you're looking for, click  "follow" so that you could see whatever they tweet or post in Twitter. Fifth, tell your friends what you're doing by tweeting your statuses. Sixth, get some followers by following them, set your profile up, balance good personal informative and fun tweets, promote recent posts, blogs and your own work, turn auto tweets and bots off, add value to your followers, retweet good tweets you find, add pictures and photos, for personal chats use messaging, and make your tweets interesting and entertaining. Lastly, the most important one which is to become an advanced tweeter by learning the terms, then give them a go. First the messages; click messages on the top menu bar on your private messages history page, click new message click to send a new message. In the pop-up box, type the name or username of who you're sending to enter the message and click send. Second, know how to retweet the tweets. Third, List; list can let you organize the people that you're interested in including the people that you're not following. Fourth, block; you can block anyone that you don't want them to follow you. Lastly, the protected tweets, you can set your tweets as public or protected. 

I think that Twitter is fun to use when you're bored. Because when you're bored, you can tweet to the people that yo uwanna tweet to or update new statues and post new pictures for more followers. But if you're the person that have nothing to tell other people, then it won't be fun for you :)


"How to Use Twitter for Beginners Twitter -for Beginners-Infographic – Amazing Infographics." How to Use Twitter for Beginners Twitter -for Beginners-Infographic – Amazing Infographics. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. <>.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I learn in Social Class: Communist China and Nationalist China (Taiwan and China)

As everyone know that, Taiwan was one part of China also. But how they got separated? After WWII, the United Stated try not let the communist expand to other countries, and they would help any country that is not Communist even though is even worst than communist. So, before the Japanese lost, The communist and Nationalist China united together, and fight against them, but seemed like they had lost because of United States, Nationalist China and Communist China began to fight each other again. Jiang Jie Shi is Nationalist, because he got defeated, so he go to an island that's next to China, which is now called Taiwan and got help from the United States, because they're not communist and also they're fighting against the communist China, which is ruled by Mao Ze dong. Mao won because when China's economy was collapsing, Mao helped the people and promise that they'll give the peasants lands. So most of the people go to the Communist side.

Many people thinks that, Taiwan is China, which is right but not quiet right. Taiwan is the republic of China, but Taiwan is Nationalist and China is communist, Taiwanese people have their own language, but because Jiang had fled to Taiwan and made his own things there which is non of China's business. Taiwanese people and Chinese people used to hate each other, but nowadays, is getting more better. The Taiwanese president now which is Ma ying Jiou, that came from China. China even gave Taiwan their only 2 pandas! 

What I learn in ICT class: Sketch Up [Door]

A Picture of my Door
 In ICT class, we use google sketch up once again, to continue our restaurant. So this time, we made a door with windows. First of course, we need to have the exactly same height, width, and size of the space we leave for door. And then, we copy one part of the space of the door which is the ground part and push it up (remember, same height as the space we leave for door). Then, use offset tool or by pressing the "O" key on the keyboard (shortcut) and make another square inside the door which makes the frame of the door. Then, do again but time time have to make it bigger because it is for the small windows on the door. Then right click the lines, and divide them equally. For the top line, divided them into 3 lines, for the side line, divided into 5 lines. Then use pencil tool and connect the lines. You might not see the lines, and don't know where to stop. So just move your mouse until you see the green dot saying "EndPoint" that's where you stop drawing. After drawing the lines use tape tool, measure 0.5 from all the lines there, then draw the line on the place where you can see the guide lines, then delete the lines you can see that you draw with your pencil in between the guide lines. After that, connect the places that needed to be stick together and not separate, example, the left and right side, up and down part. 

I think to know how to make a door is useful for you because, if you want to design a door for you own room next time, you could try and use the techniques that we learned here, like for example, put windows on the door and know how to divide them equally. The final look of the door will be continue next time.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blog Post: Good Photo editing apps for iPad and iPhone

Because it is easy to use iPad/iPhone to take picture with self-camera, there are many photo editing apps for them. Most of the people even use iPad/iPhone more instead of high quality camera. You can even just get a picture and edit with a lot of fancy and cool effects in iPad or iPhone. 1st, Photo transfer App; it gave you nice option for transferring your photos. You'll need to fill your photo library from another source. In the old days, we need to sync the photos from your camera or your phone into your computer and then, from your computer to iPad, or even email the photos to yourself and download it in your iPad which is waste of your time if you have lots of pictures. Now, you can use the transfer app which is just simply download the app into your iPhone or iPad (4G), then uses Wi-Fi to whist the photos and videos of your choice between your computer, iPhone or iPad. It's not slow to load! Another one that I think is good is called the ColorBlast!, you can download the lite version if you don't want to buy and get it for free. What you can do in that app is that, you could get a picture or photo and color the place that you want it to have color on it, others will just be black and white. There is also an app that for editing, not photo or picture but videos. This app is call Videolicious, notice that it is a free app. This app can help you tell your story through photos, video, and music. So basically it is an app that is better than windows live movie maker, because windows live movie maker is too slow, and if you're lazy to upload the video to your computer and edit it, you can just edit it in your iPad or iPhone. 

I think, it is good to edit your photos or videos in your iPad or iPhone, because nowadays, most of the people use iPhone or iPad to take pictures. The reason why they use is because there are lots of cool effects for editing your photos that is hardly found in computer. And you won't want to send your picture to your own email, and send to yoruself, then go back to yoru computer and then download the picture and edit it with either photoshop or some editing programs in computer. That is very waste of time to upload many pictures or videos if you take lot with your iPhone/iPad. So I think, the photo editing programs are useful for the person that likes to take pictures. 

"Photo Editing Apps For IPad." : IPad/iPhone Apps AppList. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. <>.