Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blog Post: Worst Password Ever that You'll have in your LIFE! Don't use them

Is your password safe? Normally people would say Yes, because they are the one that actually created the password... But what normal people would do is to just create easy password such as 123456 or abc123 etc... and it might be because they're lazy to type or something but did you notice that there are a lot of hackers in the world that would actually hack into your account and do something else? It is very dangerous especially if the account that you have is a important thing such as the thing that's more personal. Just like the apps! These kinds of thing may ask for your permission about personal things and if you gave it to them, they would record it, and if some hackers found it, they could hack into yours and buy whatever they want in the app store which is not good. So to avoid from hackers to hack into your account you better create a strong password that is also easy to remember! There're some tips of how to create a strong password. First thing that is recommended to do is to create a password that is mixed, in another word, you might want have a password that mixed with lower case letters, capital letters, numbers, and special characters; the more numbers you have, the more safe password you would have. Also, you can use password checkers to check how strong your password is or you can create one by not using the common words that we've seen before, use something unique. By looking at the chart up there (the orange one), we can actually see how less the people is using 12 characters for their password! most of the people did only 6 characters, which is not quite safe.

Here are some passwords that you might not want to use them.  

The main thing that this author is talking about is that, it is better to create a strong password in order to avoid those hackers or crackers! And for some people that doesn't know how to create good ones, this article provided you good tips of how to create good password such as mixing everything together, capital letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special numbers. The longer the character you have the more safe it is for your account. :)

The advantage of creating a strong password is that you can avoid other people from hacking it into your account. And is good to follow these guidelines because, its really helpful when you're creating one for a very important account.

The disadvantage of creating a strong password by using these guidelines is that, people are actually lazy, and it's wasting time to type such a long password just to log into an account, isn't that annoying? And some people said that, the most dangerous place is the most safe place, so if you create a password with 123, people wont know, they might try a lot of hard passwords, but actually you're having a very easy password.

I'm very very curious about the hackers... How could they hack other people's account? Where did they found those accounts that they want to hack and why didn't they get caught if they hacked other people's account (important account)...

"Top 20 Worst Passwords That Can Hack Your Private Accounts?" All Infographics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Blog Post: Adding Windows 8 shutdown/ restart shortcuts on desktop

Many people said that, Windows 8, which is the newest OS, is better than Windows 7 because, the search function had improved with the new Modern UI which is simply beautiful. But the only thing that is annoyed is the shut down icon, basically the way you turn off your PC. And traditionally, in your windows, if you were to shut down your PC or restart and log off your PC, you'll need to go setting and click power button and another thing that's even worst is that, in windows 8, there's no such a alt+f4 (shortcut for turning off the machine). So now, they have a shortcut for shutdown! either on task bar, start screen, desktop, or other locations that you can choose yourself, just simply right-click and go new shortcut. First you need to create a shortcut, you might want to find a location for your new shortcut, and then you right click, new and type in "shutdown /s /t 0" and you're done! see how easy it is? Now if you want to pin it to your task bar, you can right-click new shortcut and pin it to your task bar based on your preference. So after you had done with creating shortcuts for turning off your PC, you can now simply just click on that icon (shortcut) and it would immediately begin. IF you would like to have it even more easy to use and put it on your start screen, you can simply right click again on the shortcut and click on pin to start. Other than shutdown, you can have other switches too such as /r for instance and  /h for hibernation.

Start menu shortcuts

Have the "shut down" button on the screen or wherever you think you would like to put is very convenient because you wouldn't have to go many places in your PC in order to just simply "turn off" your computer, and the best thing about this is that, you can pin in on your task bar! Task bar is the place that is the most seen-able in the computer, so it would be very easy for you to turn off your computer if you pin it there. 

The advantage of doing this is that is very convenient, and the steps of making or creating this shortcut is not hard either! So people that want to try would definitely try it! (unlike other things, sometimes in order to have something fancy, it takes long and complicated process to do it). 

The disadvantage of having this is that if someone accidently removed the shortcut that you've pinned, you might forgot how to get to the place where you can turn off your computer in a traditional way. Also by doing this might slows down your computer IF you've already had many shortcuts on your desktop or task bar.

I wonder how would this work so easy that you just right click and create a shortcut for it, how does it work behind these simple steps...

"How To Add Windows 8 Shutdown / Restart Shortcuts To Start Screen, Taskbar And Desktop | Redmond Pie." Redmond Pie RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2013.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blog Post: Google's Android coming to a kitchen next to you

Basically in this article it is talking about Google's Android is now appearing in your kitchen. Such as the rice cookers! or even refrigerators. The android from Google (the OS that's added into the rice cooker) would tell you the type of the rice and set everything for you which you don't have to worry whether the rice is going to be too soft or not soft. Other than the rice cookers, this OS system can even connect from a washing machine to your television! And even LG's fridge could connect to LG's smart oven. And because nowadays there are many internet-connected devices plus the one that I'm talking about now (the OS system in rice cookers etc), the International Data Corporation believe that, this kind of device would reach $2 trillion in 2015. And not only Google is doing this, Panasonic had already did this in Japan for its microwave oven and rice cooker. 
Basically main thing that this article is talking about is that, nowadays, there are more and more and more internet-connected devices in this world that make everything become easier, and the one that this article is mentioning all the time is the Google's Android's OS system that would be in the fridge and the rice maker. 

Good thing about this is that, people won't have to worry so much about the rice when they're cooking the rice. And not only this, the rice cooker would determine what kind of rice and what to do the best for this rice. The machine is always the best, because they're not "lazy". The machine would do the best for you, and for this system, you won't have to even look after and set time etc. Basically, very convenient. 

The bad thing about this is that, probably in the future you might have to cook rice at either your husband's house, and what if your husband does not own a lot of money? He might have the old-fashion rice cooker at home, and by that time (since you're using the rice cooker that has the OS system) you won't be able to cook the rice at your husband's house! Basically, you'll become a person that doesn't know how to cook proper rice.

I don't understand how do these people like Google and Panasonic insert OS into a rice-maker...

"Mashable." Mashable. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2013.