Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Summery Of the survey responses

Summery of responses

According to the responses graph, for the gadget brand name we can see the most popular one is Blackberry which is 3 and worth 43% of the pie, then apple and samsung (they have the same number) which is 2 that both worth 29% of the pie. But for LG, OPPO and sharp, no one choose it. And the type of the gadget is mostly about the mobile phone, 5 people which is 71% of the pie choose mobile phone. There's 1 for laptop and 1 for computer too which is 14% of the pie. Most of the people like Blackberry phone more than other brand's phone and computer as you can see in the graph. But seemed like there are still people that like computer and laptop more. Lastly, there will be a video about the most popular gadget that you can see in the graph which is the blackberry's video and picture above this paragraph.

Monday, December 5, 2011

My Digital Daily Life